Pylon Signs: Towering Statements of Visibility and Brand Presence

Pylon Sign For Jerry's Piddlers Mall In Louisville By Louisville Custom Signs

Are you looking to elevate your business’s visibility and brand presence? Companies seeking an innovative marketing solution need custom pylon signs. These durable outdoor signs help businesses reach new levels of success by heightening your brand’s exposure to the local market.

This article will define the key advantages of pylon signs for businesses. Then, contact Louisville Custom Signs to explore the possibilities of these signs for yourself. 

Capture Your Target Market

Custom pylon signs stand out in crowded and competitive commercial districts, proving they are invaluable tools for businesses looking to capitalize on their local target market. For most companies, 85% of their customers live within a five-mile radius of their location. These people pass your business frequently – if not every day – as they commute to school and/or work. Therefore, homing in on these consumers is critical to your business’s success. The prominence of pylon signs is impossible for your audience to ignore, and they effectively attract new opportunities to your business to boost revenue.

Direct Traffic to Your Storefront

One of the main advantages of pylon signage is its installation location. Whether next to bustling highways, popular commuter routes, or pedestrian corridors, these signs draw attention from miles away and guide people to your location. Pylon signs can also encourage impulse sales stemming from these travel routes. A professional sign company can work with you to ensure your sign is installed for maximum visibility and delivers your business’s core information to impulse customers.

Outshine the Competition

Businesses in a thriving commercial center like Louisville are constantly vying for customers’ attention. Pylon signs towering height can range between 20 and 100 feet. With these signs, businesses readily stand out and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Rise above with a noticeable sign that delivers a compelling message to your audience. Not only will a pylon sign make your business more prominent, but it will also develop a meaningful connection with your customers that ultimately wins them over.

Multi-Tenant Marketing Solution

Pylon signs are a versatile solution for commercial shopping centers or office complexes to advertise all tenants in one convenient location. It could seem counter-intuitive to share signage space with other enterprises, but this approach has many advantages. 

First, having a single sign with a designated space for each tenant provides a clean look to shopping centers versus having multiple exterior signs in a small area. Also, people could be more motivated to visit your location, knowing they can accomplish multiple errands in a single trip. Reach out to an experienced pylon sign company to design a multi-tenant sign for your commercial center or building.

Looking for Pylon Signs Near Me?

Companies ready to take their business to new heights should reach out to Louisville Custom Signs to begin designing their pylon sign. Our expert crew excels in designing, manufacturing, and installing captivating signs that help businesses achieve their marketing and branding goals. Partner with us to unlock your business’s full potential using a professionally crafted pylon sign.

To begin your custom signage journey, give us a call to book your consultation.

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